Up For Delivery (DARE Academy 2022)


Over the summer of 2022, I participated in the Abertay DARE Academy competition and joined the talented team SnakeBride Software. There, I served as a general programmer in addition to a producer. I learned a lot of valuable skills, both as a general programmer working in Unreal Engine 4 as well as a producer.

General Programmer

My main tasks as a programmer involved helping shape the art vision by creating materials and shaders abiding by the art bible and artists. Other assets I helped create include:

  • Interactable Water Shader (SDFs)
  • Particel Emitters (NIAGARA)
  • Gameplay Scripting in Blueprints
  • Level Design
Graphics Programming in Direct X11
Graphics Programming in Direct X11


As the producer, I helped the team achieve the core vision of the new level by breaking the vision into tasks. I chose to work partly as the producer as I wanted to improve my skills at organising multi-disciplinary teams after completing the professional project.

  • Hosting 10 minute stand up meetings
  • Devising tasks that best suited the development schedule.
Graphics Programming in Direct X11
Graphics Programming in Direct X11


This is where all the legal stuff goes I reckon.


Engine Programming Graphics Programming Software Engineering C++ C# HLSL Direct X Game Programming GLSL

Rhys Duff Portfolio