



Honours Project

For my honours, I am researching Isosurface algorithms and evaluating there appropriateness for voxel terrain editors.

Foundation Engine

Foundation Engine

The Foundation Engine is a lightweight 2D/3D engine I'm currently working on in my spare time. It currently supports OpenGL and Direct X12 rendering apis.

Dare Academy

Up For Delivery

Over the summer of 2022, I worked as a general programmer on a neat puzzle game called Up For Delivery.

Animation Systems

Animation Systems

An animation system capable of parsing, blending and playing 2D and 3D animations. All built upon an Entity Component System (ECS).

Graphics Programming in Direct X11

Shaders DirectX 11

Shaders and Graphics Programming

Lights, Camera and Dynamic LODs with tesselation? Everything shaders! Guassian Blurs, Normal Mapping and Surface Patches.


Network Programming

An application demonstrating techniques for mitigating network latency. The application renders a boid of 32 fish across a network.

Tools Programming

Procedural Terrain Generation

An application demonstrating procedural techniques including Perlin Noise, Simplex Noise, Voronoi Noise, Ridged Perlin and Hydraulic Erosion.

Artificial Intelligence

Neural Networks

Self driving entities? An application demonstrating how neural networks can be used to train entities to race around a circuit.

Professional Project

Professional Project

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, I helped script game mechanics and create tools for Star Stranded.

Tools Programming

Algorithms Part One

A project comparing the performance and suitability of the A* and Djikstra pathfinding algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence

Algorithms Part Two

This project explores the power of the GPU, calculating and rendering the mandelbrot series using C++ AMP.

Professional Project

Graphics Programming

Procedural geometry, model loading and transparency sorting. Just some of the key topics tackled during the graphics programming module.

Animation Systems

Game Programming

An animation system capable of parsing, blending and playing 2D and 3D animations. All built upon an Entity Component System (ECS).

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A picture of me atop the law.
A small render i made in blender.
Me in London whilst attending EGX.
A picture of me atop the law.
A small render i made in blender.
Me in London whilst attending EGX.

About Me, Myself and I

I'm a programmer trying to make computers do things!

I was born and raised in Edinburgh where I have lived most of my life. I moved to Dundee in 2017 where I studied Games Design and Production at Abertay University. However half way through my time as a GDP student, I realised I wanted to be a programmer. Hence I switched course and began studying Computer Games Technology in 2019 where I developed a passion for game engine and graphics programming.

Outside of programming I like to make 3D art in Blender and enjoy making renders sometimes. Over the years I have gained experience in 3D modelling, rigging bipedal mesh in Blender as well as creating textures and materials in substance designer. Although I don't do much of the latter anymore, I like to jump into Blender and make stuff there!

I also like to cook, I'm no michelin star chef but I find the process fun and rewarding. Additionally, for the past year or so, I have been learning French on and off in my spare time. I'm not very good and my speaking is even worse... but I might just be able to... probably... survive a day in France.

Recently, I have been reading the biography, The Triumph And Tragedy of J. Robert. Oppenheimer, a figure known by most as the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory during the Manhatten Project. When I eventually finish the book I plan on reading "Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynmann", but first, I need to find a way for making more time in the day.

Other interests and hobbies include Formula One, listening to music and going on walks.


Me in London whilst attending EGX.

Contact Me


Edinburgh, Scotland



This is where all the legal stuff goes I reckon.


Engine Programming Graphics Programming Software Engineering C++ C# HLSL Direct X Game Programming GLSL

Rhys Duff Portfolio